Carving Studio and Sculpture Center
to bring a Japanese sculptor to the Carving Studio in 1999
Learn Moreto bring a Japanese sculptor to the Carving Studio in 1999
Learn Moreto cover maintenance expenses in New York
undertake research on contemporary poetry and to observe arts activities in the U.S.
to undertake research on contemporary poetry and to observe arts activities in the United States
Learn Moreto enable Japanese scholar Hiromichi Soejima to undertake research on Japanese sculpture in American collections in early 1999
Learn Morepartial support for residencies for two American artists at the Hue School of the Arts in Vietnam during the school's 2nd Annual Sculpture Conference
to support three Vietnamese artists participating in a symposium at the Portland School of Art in Portland, maine, and presenting lectures and workshops at schools and colleges in the Boston area
Learn Moreto provide support to attend the 4th Afro-Asian Writers Symposium held in Manila, January-February 1975, and to survey contemporary cultural traditions in Indonesia.
Learn MoreTo enable the following Asians to attend the international P.E.N. Congress, New York, June 1966, and to travel in the United States thereafter: Jyotirmoy Datta, India; Alberto Florentino, Philippines; Balwant Gargi, India; P. Lal, India; Hua Ling Nieh, Republic of China; A.K. Ramanujan, India; Saduddin Shpoon, Afghanistan; Sulak Sivaraksa, Thailand; and Takako Uchino, Japan
Learn MoreTo complete a dissertation in comparative literature in a program leading to the Ph.D. degree at Yale University
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