Matsuzaka Tetsuo
to provide programming assistance and support for travel, study, and related cultural activities
Learn Moreto provide programming assistance and support for travel, study, and related cultural activities
Learn Moreto survey collections of Asian ceramics in American museums for three months in fall 1986
Learn Moreto provide support for the exhibition "Art in Action" held at the Museum in fall 1985
Learn Moreto survey contemporary art activities and meet with artists in New York for three months in spring 1986
Learn MoreTo observe the administration of the American Dance Festival in Durham, North Carolina, in summer 1985
Learn Moreto provide programming assistance and support for travel, study, and cultural activities
Learn MoreContinue to study music composition in a program leading to the Ph.D. degree at the University of California, San Diego, in the 1984-95 academic year, and to observe music activities in New York in December 1984.
Continue to study music composition in a program leading to the Ph.D. degree at the University of California, San Diego, in the 1984-95 academic year, and to observe music activities in New York in December 1984.
Learn MoreStudy English at the University of Hawaii and to observe rehersals, actor training classes, and performances in the United States from January through March 1984.
Tadashi Suzuki & Kayoko Shiraishi: to conduct workshops at La Mama Experimental Theater Club, New York, in spring 1983.
Learn Moreto provide programming assistance and support for travel, study, and cultural activities
Learn Moreto conduct workshops at La Mama Experimental Theater Club, New York, in spring 1983.
Learn Moreto provide programming assistance and support for travel, study and cultural activities
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