In Apollo Center, Hong Kong-based artist WU Jiaru (ACC 2022) presents an installation and a series of new paintings.The installation invites the viewer to cut out and acquire fragments from this monumental work. Each cut represents a small act of destruction, which, collectively, allows the viewer to recontextualize the image - symbolizing the transformation of the old to create the new. Apollo Center is an active participation and the participants can join the creation and transformation of the work.

Inspired by Apollo's mythology, his curses, and his tragic loves, Wu's paintings are made through automatic drawing, consistent with her practice, and layer personal history with narrative. The exhibition will explore themes of alienation, individuality, the impact of modernization and the tension between individual and collective experiences in a fragmented society. Wu's ongoing series 'docile_body' for her paintings refers to this condition, from Foucault's theory of societal conditioning and control.