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ACCトーク 第7回:パク・ヘヨンさん
ACC Talk #7: Haeyun Park
~New York-Tokyo-Seoul: My Trans-Pacific Journey and Research~
日時:2018年8月9日(木) 18:30-
会場:公益財団法人セゾン文化財団 森下スタジオ Aスタジオ access
(懇親会は森下スタジオ 新館ラウンジにて)
ACCトーク 第7回:パク・ヘヨンさん
日時:2018年8月9日(木) 18:30- *約1.5時間のトーク及びQ&Aの後、懇親会あり。
会場:公益財団法人セゾン文化財団 森下スタジオ Aスタジオ access
(懇親会は森下スタジオ 新館ラウンジにて)
東京都江東区森下3-5-6 地下鉄都営新宿線、都営大江戸線「森下駅」 A6出口 徒歩5分
定員:先着30名 ※予約制
①お名前 ②職業 ③参加人数 ④ご連絡先 をご記入の上、ACC日本オフィスまでお申込みください。
➢ Email: acc@accjpn.org
➢ Fax: 03-3535-5565
Haeyun Park パク・ヘヨン
ニューヨーク市立大学大学院センター 美術史学者 博士候補生
韓国ソウル市のInsa Art Spaceのキュレトリアルアシスタントを務めるなか、2006年から現代美術に関する執筆活動をはじめる。2007年にニューヨーク市に移り、コロンビア大学で東アジア研究及び美術史の修士を取得した後、ニューヨーク近代美術館(MoMa)のキュレトリアル部門、ニュー・ミュージアム(New Museum of Contemporary)、国際写真センター(International Center of Photography)などで展覧会制作に従事。
アジアン・カルチュラル・カウンシル、また、ニューヨーク市立大学大学院センターからEarly Research Initiative Pre-Dissertation Fellowship及びGraduate Center Five-Year Fellowshipを受給。執筆論文は、”Journal of Chinese Contemporary Art”や”Museum as Hub Paper”などに掲載された。
104-0031 東京都中央区京橋三丁目12-7 京橋山本ビル4F
Tel: 03-3535-0287 Fax: 03-3535-5565 Email: acc@accjpn.org
Web: https://www.asianculturalcouncil.org/japan/
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ACC Talk #7: Haeyun Park
~New York-Tokyo-Seoul: My Trans-Pacific Journey and Research~
Date & Time: Thursday, August 9, 2018 6:30pm- *gathering 8:00pm-
Venue: Studio A, Morishita Studio (Morishita, Tokyo) access
ACC Japan hosts its ACC Talk series, a platform for ACC grantees to present their experiences gained during their ACC fellowship programs.
The seventh talk in the series will feature an Art historian and Critic, Haeyun Park.
Ms. Park has been staying in Japan since March to conduct research on Japanese video art in the 1970s as part of her PhD dissertation, which examines the trans-Pacific development of video art through a network of artistic exchange and collaboration between Korean, Japanese, and Asian-American artists in the 1970s and 1980s.
In her ACC Talk, she will share her research activities in Japan and her encounters with Japanese artists in relation to her journey through the art world in Seoul, Tokyo, and New York.
A gathering will follow the 1.5-hour talk including Q&A session.
◇Event Information◇
ACC Talk #7: Haeyun Park ~New York-Tokyo-Seoul: My Trans-Pacific Journey and Research~
Date & Time: Thursday, August 9, 2018 6:30pm- *gathering 8:00pm-
Venue: Studio A, Morishita Studio (Morishita, Tokyo) access
3-5-6 Morishita, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0004, Japan
MORISHITA station on the Toei Shinjuku or Oedo Line
(Five minutes’ walk from Exit A6)
Speaker: Haeyun Park
Language: English
Admission: Free
Seating capacity: 30 (advance reservation required)
Reservations: Please send an email or fax to the ACC Japan office. Include the subject line “0809ACC Talk” and the following details: name, occupation, number of attendees, and contact info.
➢ Email: acc@accjpn.org
➢ Fax: 03-3535-5565
Haeyun Park
Art historian and Critic
PhD Candidate in Art History, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Haeyun Park has been writing on contemporary art since 2006, beginning with her work as the curatorial assistant at Insa Art Space in Seoul, South Korea. After Moving to New York City in 2007 to begin her studies at Columbia University, from which she holds an MA in East Asian Studies and Art History, Park has assisted exhibitions at the curatorial departments of the Museum of Modern Art, the New Museum of Contemporary Art, and the International Center of Photography. She is the recipient of Asian Cultural Council Grant, the Early Research Initiative Pre-Dissertation Fellowship, and the Graduate Center Five-Year Fellowship. Her work has been published in the Journal of Chinese Contemporary Art and the Museum as Hub Paper, among others.
Organized by Asian Cultural Council Japan
Supported by Saison Foundation
Asian Cultural Council Japan
Kyobashi Yamamoto Bldg. 4F,
3-12-7 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0031 Japan
tel: 03-3535-0287 fax: 03-3535-5565
Web: www.asianculturalcouncil.org / www.asianculturalcouncil.org/japan