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ACCトーク 第6回:
ジェシカ・グラインドスタッフさん (ファントム・リム・カンパニー)
ACC Talk #6: Jessica Grindstaff (Phantom Limb Company)
日時:2018年4月7日(土) 16:30-
会場:公益財団法人セゾン文化財団 森下スタジオ Sスタジオ access
グラインドスタッフさんは、米国・NYを拠点に、操り人形の使用をベースとした複合芸術舞台を制作する劇団Phantom Limb Companyの共同主宰として、監督、演出及び舞台美術に携わられています。今回のACC個人フェローシップでは、文楽をはじめとした日本の伝統芸能、舞踏の調査、また、福島を含む東日本大震災の被災地の調査で今年2月から9週間来日。これらの調査内容は、2018年11月にNY、ブルックリンの歴史ある劇場BAM(ブルックリン・アカデミー・オブミュージック)にて世界初演を迎える次回作「FALLING OUT」に反映されます。
4月7日(土)のACCトークでは、ご自身の紹介及び今回の日本滞在のまとめ、また、次回作「FALLING OUT」のコンセプトショーイング(試作短編)を行います。
ACCトーク 第6回:ジェシカ・グラインドスタッフさん (ファントム・リム・カンパニー)
日時:2018年4月7日(土) 16:30-
16:30-17:00 自身の紹介と今回滞在のまとめ
17:00-17:30 次回作品”FALLING OUT”コンセプトショーイング (試作短編)
17:30-19:00 懇親会
会場:公益財団法人セゾン文化財団 森下スタジオ Sスタジオ access
東京都江東区森下3-5-6 地下鉄都営新宿線、都営大江戸線「森下駅」 A6出口 徒歩5分
定員:先着30名 *予約制
①お名前 ②職業 ③参加人数 ④ご連絡先 をご記入の上、ACC日本オフィスまでお申込みください。
➢ Email: acc@accjpn.org
➢ Fax: 03-3535-5565
Jessica Grindstaff ジェシカ・グラインドスタッフ
劇団Phantom Limb Company 共同主宰、ディレクター
2007年、コラボレーターであり夫でもあるエリック・サンコ氏と共に、操り人形の使用をベースとした複合舞台作品を制作する劇団、Phantom Limb Company(ファントム・リム・カンパニー)を立ち上げる。監督、セットデザインや舞台演出を手掛けている。カンパニー設立から過去10年間、自然環境、地球温暖化と人間との関わりをテーマに作品を制作してきた。作品は、米国国内のみならず欧州でも上演されている。
Website: http://phantomlimbcompany.com/
104-0031 東京都中央区京橋三丁目12-7 京橋山本ビル4F
Tel: 03-3535-0287 Fax: 03-3535-5565 Email: acc@accjpn.org
Web: https://www.asianculturalcouncil.org/japan/
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ACC Talk #6: Jessica Grindstaff (Phantom Limb Company)
Date & Time: Saturday, April 7, 2018 4:30pm- *gathering 5:30pm-
Venue: Studio S, Morishita Studio (Morishita, Tokyo) access
ACC Japan hosts its ACC Talk series, a platform for ACC grantees to present their experiences gained during their ACC fellowship programs.
The sixth talk in the series will feature the New York City-based artist Jessica Grindstaff, who has currently been staying in Japan on an ACC fellowship.
Ms. Grindstaff is a co-founder and artistic director of Phantom Limb Company,which focuses on collaborative, multi-media theatrical productions based on puppetry. She has been staying in Japan since February to conduct research on Bunraku and Butoh, and to visit the Fukushima region in order to capture visual, aural, and personal stories, which will all go toward informing “FALLING OUT”,a new theater work which will be premiered at BAM in November 2018.
In her ACC Talk, she will speak about her work and her fellowship program in Japan. There will also be a developmental concepts showing of her upcoming theatre piece “FALLING OUT” as well.
The event will be followed by a gathering at the same venue.
◇Event Information◇
ACC Talk #6: Jessica Grindstaff (Phantom Limb Company)
Date & Time: Saturday, April 7, 2018 4:30pm- *gathering 5:30pm-
Venue: Studio S, Morishita Studio (Morishita, Tokyo) access
3-5-6 Morishita, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0004, Japan
MORISHITA station on the Toei Shinjuku or Oedo Line
(Five minutes’ walk from Exit A6)
Speaker: Jessica Grindstaff
Performers: Dai Matsuoka, Takemi Kitamura, Masahiro Nakanishi
Language: English
Admission: Free
Seating capacity: 30 (advance reservation required)
Reservations: Please send an email or fax to the ACC Japan office. Include the subject line “0407ACC Talk” and the following details: name, occupation, number of attendees, and contact info.
➢ Email: acc@accjpn.org
➢ Fax: 03-3535-5565
Living and working in NYC
Artist, Co-founder and artistic director of Phantom Limb Company
Jessica Grindstaff started a theatre company called Phantom Limb with her husband and collaborator Erik Sanko in 2007 that is based in puppetry, movement and visual wordless storytelling. For the past decade Phantom Limb have begun to focus their work on human relationship to the environment and climate change in poetic terms. Their work has toured domestically and in Europe. They have taught and lectured at Rhode Island School of Design, NYU Abu Dhabi, Architecture Association School of Architecture, London, Harvard University, Emerson College, Parsons, Dartmouth College, Victorian College For Art (Melbourne), UCLA, CalArts and Akademiet For Utæmmet Kreativitet, Copenhagen. Phantom Limb has received grants from the Jim Henson Foundation, The Jerome Foundation, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, the National Science Foundation, The New York State Composer’s Grant, the MAP Fund, Edith Luytens and Norman Bel Geddes Design Enhancement Fund, New Music USA, Japan Foundation, Hermitage Artist Residency, Robert Rauschenberg Residency and are Recipients of the Bay Area Critics Circle Award.
Website: http://phantomlimbcompany.com/
Organized by Asian Cultural Council Japan
Supported by Saison Foundation
Asian Cultural Council Japan
Kyobashi Yamamoto Bldg. 4F,
3-12-7 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0031 Japan
tel: 03-3535-0287 fax: 03-3535-5565
Web: www.asianculturalcouncil.org / www.asianculturalcouncil.org/japan