An Qingdong
To survey contemporary architecture and meet with architects in the United States in April 1999.
了解更多To survey contemporary architecture and meet with architects in the United States in April 1999.
了解更多to support the participation of video artist Yukihiro Yoshihara and three other designers from Japan in the production of Robert Ashley's collaborative stage work Dust, presented at the Kitchen in New York in April 1999
了解更多to teach piano, design curriculum and assist in the development of the piano department at the Wuhan Conservatory
了解更多Support for sho player/composer Tamini Tono to participate in the 1999 Bonk Festival of Music
了解更多to undertake a summer intership at the Asia Society in New York and to continue a program of study leading to the M.A. degree at Bard College's Center for Curatorial Studies
to cover costs of an intensive English language course at Columbia University
了解更多to support the participation of scholars from Asia in the Center's Conservancy Leadership Conference in Yunnan Province in September 1999
了解更多To observe film production activities and participate in film workshops in the United States
了解更多support for Balinese artists participating in collaborative workshop and performance project, Perayaan/The Celebration, in the U.S.