Ellison Banks Findly
"Textile Design and the Role of the Imagination in Northern Laos" - five week research trip in northeastern Laos in June 2009
了解更多"Textile Design and the Role of the Imagination in Northern Laos" - five week research trip in northeastern Laos in June 2009
了解更多For curatorial research in China, Korea and Hong Kong for exhibitions at Grey Art Gallery
了解更多Research trip for Peter Held to travel to China, Japan and Korea during summer 2009 for 2010 exhibition on ceramics
了解更多to support travel to China, Indonesia, Korea and Singapore to research and develop new work
了解更多to participate in an international residency program at the Headlands Center for the Arts in Sausalito, California, and to observe contemporary art activities in New York
了解更多to meet with filmmakers, film curators, and film festival organizers and to observe contemporary film and theater activities in the United States
了解更多To take part in the International Choreographers Residency Program at ADF in summer 2009.
了解更多with Farah Wardani, to research visual arts archives and libraries and meet with contemporary art specialists in the United States
了解更多to enable artists from Asia to participate in the International Festival for Arts and Media Yokohama in October 2009