Lee Gunsam
To study theater at the graduate level at New York University and to survey contemporary theater developments in the United States and Europe
了解更多To study theater at the graduate level at New York University and to survey contemporary theater developments in the United States and Europe
了解更多To study piano in a program leading to the Master of Music degree at the Chicago Musical College, Roosevelt University
了解更多To serve as an artist-in-residence at the University of Iowa, to pursue painting activities, and to observe contemporary art developments in the United States, Hong Kong, India, Thailand, and Europe
了解更多To provide for the translation of Indonesian wayang kulit plays into English under the direction of James Brandon, director of theater curriculum, Michigan State University
了解更多To study traditional dance forms and contemporary developments in choreography at the Natya Institute of Choreography, New Delhi; the Sangeet Natak Akademi, New Delhi; and the Darpana Academy, Ahmedabad
了解更多To travel and conduct research in connection with archaeological excavations in the Sarawak River delta in Malaysia
了解更多To survey museum collections in the United States and Mexico following the Seventh General Conference of the International Council of Museums, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, and New York, September - October 1965
了解更多To attend the Seventh General Conference of the International Council of Museums, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, and New York, September-October 1965, and to survey museum collections in the United States
了解更多To conduct research in art history as a research associate at the University of Michigan and to visit universities and museums in the United States
了解更多To complete a dissertation in comparative literature in a program leading to the Ph.D. degree at Yale University
了解更多To conduct research in the United States on traditional Indian music theory and composition and their relationship to Western music, and to compose an orchestral work