Martin Friedman
To observe contemporary art activities and museum practices in Japan and to explore the development of future curatorial and exhibition exchange projects between the United States and Japan.
了解更多To observe contemporary art activities and museum practices in Japan and to explore the development of future curatorial and exhibition exchange projects between the United States and Japan.
了解更多To undertake a creative and research residency program at the ARCUS Project in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, beginning in October 1995.
了解更多To present the performance piece "Loose Pages" at the International Paper Symposium in Kyoto in October 1995.
了解更多To conduct research in Japan in connection with an exhibition of contemporary Japanese ceramics to be shown at the Brooklyn Museum in 1989
了解更多To photograph butoh dancers in the context of the Japanese avant-garde in fall 1995.
了解更多To undertake research in Indonesia on the Islamic musical genre gambus in summer 1994.
了解更多To survey contemporary Japanese theater and to explore potential relationships among the arts, technology, and communications in Japan in 1995.
了解更多To enable Dia Center curator Lynne Cooke to undertake research on contemporary art in Japan in spring 1995.
了解更多To provide general support to International House.
To support the cultural programs and activities of International House.
To support the development and implementation of cultural exchange activities between Japan and the United States.