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American Committee for South Asian Art

Enable Vasant Jadhav, research associate in archaeology, Deccan College, Pune, India, to organize photographic materials on South and Southeast Asian art and archaeology for incorporation into the ACSAA Color Slide Project at the University of Michigan in fall 1983.


International Council for Traditional Music

Enable Jose Maceda, professor of music, Univeristy of the Phillippines, to participate in the 27th Congress of the International Council for Traditional Music held at Columbia University in Auguest 1983.


Indonesian Archaeology Project

To enable American archaeologist John Miksic to serve as a resident consultant at Gadjah Mada University for a period of four years beginning August 1981 and to survey archaeological activities in Southeast Asia and the United States. (Grant R-8332 was for period 8/1/83 - 7/31/84)


Kang Woo Bang

to continue to study art history in a program leading to the Ph.D. degree at Harvard University, beginning Spetember 1982


I Nyoman Astita

to continue studies in a program leading to the M.A. degree in world music at San Diego State University

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