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Indonesian Dance Festival

to support travel expenses for international dance artists participating in the 12th edition of the Indonesian Dance Festival, scheduled to occur from June 10-14, 2014

For a grant to enable dancers and choreographers from four countries in Asia to participate in the 10th Indonesian Dance Festival, to be held in Jakarta in June 2010.

Support to bring choreographers from U.S., Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia and Thailand to IDF in November 2008

support the participation of four choreography workshop, to be held in Jakarta and Surabaya in July 2006

support for choreographers from Asian and the U.S. participating in the IDF 2002 program

support for three choreographers from Asia and the U.S. to participate in the 5th IDF, to be held AT STSI in September, 1999

Support for Asian and American participants in the July 1996 Indonesian Dance Festival/World Dance Alliance meeting.


Amna Kusumo

to participate in an award ceremony for the John D. Rockefeller 3rd Award, participate in ACC's 50th Anniversary Gala, and observe contemporary arts activities in New York City

JDR 3rd Award recipient for her significant contribution to the international understanding, practice, or study of the visual or performing arts of Asia

visit New York in January 2006 to participate in the annual conference of the Association of Performing Arts Presenters

enable her to in Indonesia as director of the Kelola Project

to enable you to survey management procedures at selected Indonesian cultural institutions and to plan and conduct a management workshop for the arts and cultural organizations in Indonesia in October, 1997


Aichi Triennale

to support the participation of Indonesian choreographer Jecko Siompo and his company members in the second Aichi Triennale in October 2013


Javersina Fernayeti Haning

For a two-month grant to carry out research on traditional textile production and conservation in Japan, India, Cambodia, and Laos in connection with the organization of a cross-disciplinary workshop on the traditional textile culture of East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia, to be held in Kupang in July 2012.


Nyak Ina Raseuki

to participate in a series of concerts, workshops, and a symposium organized by ACC grantee the Momenta Quartet. The Field was the fiscal sponsor for this grant.

postponed from EC Feb 08- support to return to the University of Wisconsin-Madison to complete writing of PhD dissertation in ethnomusicology

to continue to study ethnomusicology in the Ph.D program at the University of Wisconsin

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