Leung Priscilla Siu Wai
grant supplement to obsreve and study performance art and to participate in theater workshops in the U.S.
to observe and study performance art and to participate in theater workshops in the U.S.
了解更多grant supplement to obsreve and study performance art and to participate in theater workshops in the U.S.
to observe and study performance art and to participate in theater workshops in the U.S.
了解更多to observe contemporary art activities
observe contemporary developments in ceramic arts
了解更多to support the participation of Dance HK/NY in the Asia Pacific Contemporary Dance Festival held at the Sylvia and Danny Kaye Playhouse in New York in July 1999
to enable Dance HK/NY to participate in the Asian Contemporary Dance Festival at Hunter College in New York in June 1999
了解更多three-week award to survey contemporary architeture and meet with architects in the U.S.
了解更多support for project in the Queens Museum of Art's new exhibition program for emerging artists in February 2000
to observe contemporary art activities and to collaborate with artists in the United States
了解更多to invite Professor Bart Roccoberton to participate in a week-long series of lectures and workshops on puppetry in Hong Kong
了解更多To pursue dance research and to participate in the International Conference on the Future of Arts Education in New York in fall 1999
Observe and participate in modern dance activities in New York.