搜尋/篩選得獎人Rekha Rodwittya
To observe contemporary arts activities, meet with artists and curators, and create new work in New York.
了解更多Junko Suzuki
Participate in the International Studio Program at the Institute for Contemporary Art (P.S.1) in New York.
了解更多Tucker Marcia
Survey contemporary arts activities, meet with artists and curators, and visit exhibition facilities in Japan.
了解更多Yasuda Naoko
Observe and participate in contemporary arts activities, visit museums and galeries, and meet with artists in the New York.
了解更多Apinan Poshyananda
to observe contemporary arts activities, meet with artists, and visit museums and galleries in the United States in spring 1988
了解更多Senzaki Chieo
to participate in the International Studio Program at P.S. I in New York in 1988-89
了解更多Alan Finkel
Sculptor, New York: to observe and photograph traditional and contemporary architecture and meet with artists in Japan in spring 1987.
了解更多Hirabayashi Kaoru
To participate in the International Studio Program at P.S. 1 in New York in 1987-88.
了解更多Katayama Masahito
To observe arts activities, meet with American artists, and create new work in the United States in spring 1988.