Taniguchi Maki
To survey contemporary arts activities, meet with artists and curators, and create new work in the United States in fall 1995.
了解更多To survey contemporary arts activities, meet with artists and curators, and create new work in the United States in fall 1995.
了解更多To photograph butoh dancers in the context of the Japanese avant-garde in fall 1995.
了解更多To observe contemporary art activities, meet with artists and curators, and create new work in the United States.
了解更多to survey contemporary art activitites and to study the work of non-profit organizations in the United States in 1995
了解更多To participate in the International Studio Program at the Institute of Contemporary Art, MoMA PS1 in New York in 1994-95
了解更多to provide programming assistance and support for travel, study, and cultural activities
了解更多To observe contemporary art activities, meet with artists and curators, and develop new work in the United States in fall 1994.
了解更多To observe conteporary arts activities, meet with artists and curators, and create new work in the United States.
了解更多Observe contemporary arts activites in New York in connection with his participation in the 1993 summer Triangle Artists' Workshop
了解更多Support resendencies by printmakers Fang Lu and Zhong-ou Xu from China at the Maryland Institutues, College of Art, in spring 1994.
To provide partial support for three Japanese sculptors serving as visiting artists at the Maryland Institute, College of Art during 1990-91.
了解更多Observe contemporary art activities, meet with artists and curators, and create new work in the Unite States.