Heherson Alvarez
to survey the organization and operation of theater schools and repertory groups and to observe contemporary theater developments in the United States.
了解更多to survey the organization and operation of theater schools and repertory groups and to observe contemporary theater developments in the United States.
了解更多to study drama at the graduate level at the University of Iowa and to survey theater centers in the United States.
了解更多To survey drama centers and to observe contemporary theater developments in the United States
了解更多To enable Rosamond Gilder, president of the International Theatre Institute, New York, and John Houseman, producer and director, to attend the East-West Theatre Seminar in New Delhi in October 1967
了解更多To study theater in a program leading to the Ph.D. degree at New York University
了解更多To continue to survey contemporary theater developments in Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, and Thailand
To survey contemporary theater developments in Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, and Thailand
了解更多To conduct research in the United States on the theater of India, Sri Lanka, and other Asian countries and to observe cultural activities in the United States
了解更多To study theater at the graduate level at New York University and to survey contemporary theater developments in the United States and Europe
了解更多To provide for the translation of Indonesian wayang kulit plays into English under the direction of James Brandon, director of theater curriculum, Michigan State University
了解更多To survey drama centers, study professional theater techniques, and participate in theater activities in the United States
了解更多To conduct research in the Republic of China for a book in English on Ming drama