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Ku & Dancers

Ku & Dancers (fiscal sponsor for i-Dance Taipei) Taipei: to support four dance professionals--Ma Choi Wo (Hong Kong), Yim Ming Yin (Hong Kong), Chiko Katsube (Japan), and Shoko Kashima (Japan) to travel to Taipei to participate in the festival.


Sardono Kusumo

conduct research and consult with artists and curators at the Isamu Noguchi Museum in Mure, Japan

To meet with presenters, program organizers, and arts specialists in the United States in spring 1988 in connection with the development of the performing arts component of the Festival of Indonesia.

To meet with performing arts specialists in New York in spring 1986 in preparation for the International Gamelan Festival held at the 1986 World Exposition in Vancouver.

To survey performing arts activities in New York in June 1984 prior to participating in the International Choreographers' Workshop at the American Dance festival, Durham, North Carolina


NPO Dance Box

A 1-month Organization/Project Grant to provide support for a virtual program with Water Puppet artists in Vietnam, showcasing this art form to engage with Kobe’s community of Vietnamese immigrants.

To provide for Covid-19 relief

to support the participation of choreographer Darrell Jones in a collaborative residency in Kobe, Japan in May 2017


Pamungkas Danang

Dancer, Surakarta: for a six-month grant to observe contemporary dance in the U.S. and participate in the International Choreographers Residency Program at the American Dance Festival in summer 2016.

Dancer, Surakarta: for a six-month grant to observe contemporary dance in the U.S. and participate in the International Choreographers Residency Program at the American Dance Festival in summer 2016.


Ballet Philippines

To bring lighting designer Jennifer Tipton to Manila to give a two-week masterclass for lighting designers from Southeast Asia, and to support the participation of lighting designers from the region

a grant supplement to further support Jennifer Tipton's masterclass for lighting designers from Southeast Asia

to enable Indonesian choreographer Boi Sakti to serve as a guest choreographer with Ballet Philippines in Spring 2001

to support the residency of American choreographer and teacher Norman Walker with the Ballet for two months, beginning in December 1986

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