Veronica Kusumaryati
To survey and study documentary film management and film festivals in the United States for four months.
了解更多To survey and study documentary film management and film festivals in the United States for four months.
了解更多To undertake visual arts management internships and pursue research on contemporary art organizations and activities in the United States.
了解更多To travel to Kyoto and Tokyo to visit cultural institutions and to observe artistic activities in Japan in April 2009.
six-month fellowship to undertake arts management internships and to observe performing arts activities in the United States
了解更多to complete a program of study at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC), leading to an M.A. degree in arts administration and policy
Undertake graduate study in Masters of Museum Studies or Arts Administration in the U.S.
了解更多to support expenses in New York City in order to observe and study arts management practices in the United States
To research and study arts and cultural management systems processes in the U.S.
了解更多To cover the costs of apartment rent for the period of November - May 2008
To continue research on urban cultural policies and practices in the United States for an additional four months.
eight-month fellowship to undertake research on urban cultural policies and practices, attend workshops and conferences, and meet with artists and critics in the United States
了解更多To support thearts management workshops being presented at the University in October 2007 by American arts specialist Martin Vinik
了解更多for observation of arts administration pracitices and to meet with artists with curators in the U.S.
了解更多Credit Suisse Arts Management Fellowship to support a professional in arts administration of Columbia University to conduct a two -week workshop for arts managers organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong graduate program.
了解更多support to continue graduate studies at Columbia in 2007-2008
to continue a program of study leading to the Ph.D degree in arts administration and arts education at Teachers College, Columbia University, in 2005-2006
twelve-month fellowship to undertake a summer internship at the Asia Society and begin graduate studies in arts administration and arts education at Columbia University in 2004-2005
了解更多one-month fellowship to survey arts management procedures and conduct research on the administration of performing arts centers and theater companies in the United States (with Yu Rongjun)
了解更多to serve as a visiting scholar in the Program in Arts Administration at Teachers College, Columbia University, for three months in the spring 2006 semester, beginning March 20, 2006
grant supplement to continue research and collaborative work in the program of arts administration at Columbia University for six additional weeks in summer 2006, in preparation for a book on arts management
Six-week fellowship to survey university arts management programs, meet with publishers, and visit museums and galleries in the U.S.