Anko Chen
to complete a program of study leading to the Master of Architecture degree at Yale University.
了解更多to complete a program of study leading to the Master of Architecture degree at Yale University.
了解更多to complete a program of study leading to the Master of Architecture degree at the Massachusetss Institute of Technology.
了解更多to complete a program of study leading to the Master of Architectutre degree at the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University.
了解更多to complete a program of study leading to the Master of Architecture degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
了解更多to complete a program of study leading to the Master of Architecture degree at Yale University.
了解更多to survey architecture and urban planning activities in Europe en route home to Bangkok
to study in a program leading to the M.Arch. Degree at the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University.
了解更多to complete a program of study leading to the Master of Landscape Architecture degree at the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University.
了解更多to complete a program of study leading to the Master of Landscape Architecture degree at the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University
了解更多to attend the Assembly and World Congress of the International Union of Architects, Venice and Madrid, April - May 1975.
了解更多to complete a program of study leading to the M.Arch. Degree at the University of California, Berkeley.
了解更多to provide for the preparation and publication of Traditional Housing in Afghanistan by Mr. Samizay and Stanley Hallet, associate professor of architecture, University of Utah.
to study architecture in a program leading to the M.Arch. Degree at the School of Architecture and Planning. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and to participate in an architectural photography project in Rome under the direction of Minor White, professor of photography, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.