David Reck
to conduct dissertation research in India on South India music in connection with a program of study leading to the Ph.D. degree at Weslyan University.
了解更多to conduct dissertation research in India on South India music in connection with a program of study leading to the Ph.D. degree at Weslyan University.
了解更多to review program activities and to survey facilities and collections at the Asmat Museum of the Institute of Anthropology, Cenderawasih University, Jayapura, Indonesia.
to survey the facilities and collections of the Asmat Museum of Culture and Progress, Agats, and the Museum of the Institute of Anthropology, Cenderawasih University, Jayapura, in connection with the development of a curatorial training program at the Bishop Museum for museum personnel from Indonesia and other Asian countries.
了解更多to participate in the Third Asian Composer's League Conference held in Manila, October 1975
了解更多to complete dissertation research in Borneo on Asian trade ceramics in connection with a program leading to the Ph.D. degree in art history at Cornell University
to conduct dissertation research in Borneo in connection with a program leading to the Ph.D. degree at Cornell University.
了解更多to conduct dissertation research in Thailand on the art and architecture of Wat Po in connection with a program of study leading to the Ph.D. degree at NYU.
了解更多to conduct dissertation research in Malaysia on the music of wayang kulit in connection with a program leading to the Ph.D. degree at the University of Michigan.
了解更多to provide support for a performance tour of selected cities in India of Bertolt Brecht's Mother Courage.
了解更多to conduct research on Javanese music at the Jaap Knust Center for Ethnomusicology, University of Amsterdam, and at the Akademi Seni Karawitan Indonesia, Surkarta.
了解更多to conduct dissertation research in the Republic of China on Yuan painting and to assist the National Palace Museum, Taipei, in translations for museum publications.
了解更多to provide support to attend the 4th Afro-Asian Writers Symposium held in Manila, January-February 1975, and to survey contemporary cultural traditions in Indonesia.
了解更多to enable Milton Sonday, curator of textiles, to visit Japan to conduct research, survey collections, and make selections for the exhibition Dye Resist to be shown at the museum in 1979.
To provide support for Trade Goods, an exhibition of seventeenth and eighteenth-century Indian painted cottons from the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, shown at the Cooper-Hewitt Museum, June-August 1970.
to provide support for Trade Goods, and exhibition of seventeenth and eighteenth-century Indian painted cottons from the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, shown at the Cooper-Hewitt Museum, June-August 1970.
了解更多To conduct dissertation research in Thailand on Khmer dance-drama in connection with a program leading to the Ph.D. degree at the University of Hawaii.