搜尋/篩選得獎人Nagata Takashi
To study art in a program leading to the M.A. degree at the University of California, Los Angeles
了解更多Nakazato Hitoshi
To pursue art activities and to observe contemporary art developments in the United States
了解更多Sagisaka Yuriko
To study at the Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance and the Connecticut College School of Dance in summer 1967
了解更多Takahashi Yuji
To pursue composing activities and to study with Milton Babbitt at the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center
了解更多Takashina Shuji
To observe contemporary art developments and to survey public and private art collections, museum procedures, and academic facilities in the United States, Canada, and Europe
了解更多Watanabe Sadao
To conduct research on architecture and urban design at Harvard University and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and to visit architecture and city planning projects in the United States and Canada
了解更多Yanagita Masako
To study in a program leading to a diploma from the Mannes College of Music, New York
了解更多Iwasaki Ko
to study music at the Juilliard School, with Pablo Casals in Puerto Rico, and at the Marlboro School of Music in Marlboro, Vermont