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Yamashita Kazuhito

six-month fellowship to undertake a research and teaching residency at the Hanoi National Conservatory of Music


Moriyama Tomoe

three-week fellowship to attend SIGGRAPH 2005 in Los Angeles and to meet with new media artists and curators and view recent work in California and New York in summer 2005


Muto Daisuke

six-month fellowship to pursue research on American modern and post-modern dance history and to observe contemporary dance activities in the United States


Okumura Yuki

six-month fellowship to observe contemporary art activities, meet with artists and curators, and participate in an international residency program in the United States


Sakurai Makiko

travel expenses to spend a month in New York in January 2005, working with composer Bruce Gremo to develop a new performance piece

to observe and participate in contemporary music activities in New York in December 1995.

to observe and participate in contemporary music activities and to study the use of voice in religious ritual music in the United States, beginning in fall 1993 or early 1994.


Theatre 1010

to support participation of director Colin Graham and conductor Andreas Mitisek in the presentation of Joruri at Theatre 1010 in September 2005

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