2021 ACC獎助計畫得獎名單出爐了!在這歷史艱難的時刻,相信各位傑出的受獎人能夠超越國界,透過以線上為主的交流,持續啟發人與人之間的相互理解及創造力。自1963年起,ACC已協助亞洲和美國超過6,000位藝術家、學者與藝術專業人士進行國際交流,期許促進國際間的對話、理解與尊重,創造一個更加和諧與和平的世界。在變動劇烈的疫情時代下,ACC仍將持續支持國際間的交流活動,為後疫情時代鋪路。


Jia Li
Independent Curator
A 3-month Individual Fellowship to undertake research on social practice in Japan’s contemporary art world.


Sisi Liang
Associate Professor in Urban Planning and Assistant Dean in the School of Architecture, Tsinghua University 
A 4-month Individual Fellowship to participate in the Special Program for Urban and Regional Studies (SPURS) at MIT in 2021. 


Jian'an Wu
Professor, China Central Academy of Art 
A 6-month New York Fellowship to research traditional art forms in the U.S. and the artists and practitioners conserving and innovating within these traditions.



Hong Kong

Sandy Man Yee Chan
Holistic Culture & Arts Education Curator, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity 
A 6-month Individual Fellowship to observe and conduct fieldwork on community art programs in New York and San Francisco. 


CHAT (Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile) by Mill 6 Foundation Limited
A 4-month virtual program to facilitate the online program Following Traces, enabling seven project participants to conduct research on various issues concerning the social and cultural history of East Asia.

Cho Wun (Clara) Ma
Ph.D. Candidate, University of Virginia 
A 2-month Individual Fellowship to carry out dissertation research on Buddhist art in China.


University of Hong Kong/MUSE
A 5-month Project Grant to provide support for a virtual program connecting musicians and composers at the University of Hong Kong and the U.S.-China Music Institute at the Bard College Conservatory of Music.

Ching Yan Birdy Wong 
Actress, Playwright, & Artistic Director, Artocrite Theatre
A 6-month New York Fellowship to observe the latest developments in New York’s theater scene, carry out research on the societal roles of Asian women in the U.S., and explore the experience of Asian artists during the pandemic.


Chun Tat Ata Wong 
Theatre Director, Choreographer, Actor, Movement Coach & Lecturer, Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts 
A 6-month Individual Fellowship to explore traditional and contemporary art forms in Japan. 


Samuel Sau Yin Wong 
Senior Architect, Farrells  
A 3-week Independent Fellowship to study post-war architecture in the U.S. and understand the historical, social, economic, and urban contexts in which it was created. 



Joned Suryatmoko
Ph.D. Candidate, The Graduate Center, CUNY
A Graduate Scholarship to continue in his fourth year of a Ph.D. program in theater and performance.



Yayasan Kelola
A 6-month Project Grant to support the ongoing Southeast Asian Choreographers Network program, connecting dance artists, scholars, and producers in Southeast Asia to develop and advance the field across the region.



Bridge for the Arts and Education 
A 1-month Project Grant to provide support for a music workshop and open forum for artists from Asia coming to Japan to participate in a theater production of the Mahabharata, that will be held as part of the official cultural events for the 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo. 


Japan Center, Pacific Basin Arts Communication (PARC) 
A 1-month Project Grant to support the 2021 Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama (TPAM) in an online, hybrid format. 

KYUN-CHOME (Eri Homma & Yosuke Nabuchi) 
Independent Artists 
A 4-month joint Individual Fellowship to research the identities and cultures of the Japanese and Okinawan diaspora in Hawai’i as a means of entering into dialogue about current immigration to Japan.


Arata Mino 
Independent Artist, Photographer, Playwright 
A 6-month New York Fellowship to conduct research on the work of Edward Steichen in the archives of the Museum of Modern Art and explore contemporary visual and performing arts in New York City and beyond.


Chatori Shimizu 
Independent Composer & Sound Artist 
A 6-month Individual Fellowship to travel to China for research on the Sheng(Chinese bamboo mouth organ) in traditional and contemporary music practice. 


Miyuki Tanaka 
Independent Curator, Producer, Editor 
A 6-month New York Fellowship to pursue research on the intersection of visual and performing arts and design in the context of creating interdisciplinary programs for individuals with disabilities.



Gitameit Friends USA 
A 1-year Project grant for the continuation of a collaborative project between Gitameit in Yangon, Myanmar, and faculty and students at SUNY New Paltz, exploring spirit worship and the practice of tolerance in Myanmar.



Aziz Sohail 
Independent Writer, Curator and Researcher
A 1-year fellowship to gain experience during an Optional Practical Training year following the completion of an M.F.A. in critical and curatorial studies at University of California, Irvine in spring 2021.



Radnel Ofalsa
Independent Artist/Teacher, Euphony Music Center & Studio
A Graduate Scholarship to support his first year as a candidate for the Master of Music degree at the Mannes School of Music, The New School, in New York City.


Charles Ivan Yee
M.F.A. Candidate, California Institute of the Arts Director 
Designer &  Lecturer at the Ateneo De Manila University 
A Graduate Scholarship to support his third and final year in the M.F.A. program in directing at the California Institute for the Arts. 



洄廊工作室 The Corridor
將與馬來西亞婆羅洲美學實驗室Borneo Laboratory合作,針對原住民的文化議題進行交流,以「聲響巫儀」、「朝聖之旅」、「建造與傳承」三個面向深入探討。



工合工作室 Gung Ho Projects
由蔡柏璋、Michael Leibenluft、安秉久,分別在台灣、美國、韓國收集口述歷史及各式聲響影像,並將所蒐集的錄音在線上合作,揉合成未來同志劇場的媒材,並向歷史上別具意義的酷兒狩獵場地致敬。

許家銘/張玹/Jorge Bachmann
國光劇團樂師許家銘將與舊金山聲響藝術家Jorge Bachmann以及新一代旅美作曲家張玹,一同探討戲曲在不同文化的創作者的認知下如何被運用,以及電子音樂與戲曲之間的可能性。


忠泰美術館 Jut Art Museum 
年度大展《聚變》系列講座邀集來自美國、歐洲、日本及台灣等不同文化之建築專家對本展參與討論,探究AA,Architectural Association這個建築學院,對全球年輕建築學子帶來的對話與影響。


台北當代藝術館 MoCA
深受好評的MOCA製作之Podcast「MoCA on Air」,邀請來自台灣、香港、日本、印尼等地的藝術家,針對不同主題對談,為一般民眾解碼當代藝術圈的各種現象,讓更多台灣人接觸當代藝術。



桃園市立美術館 Taoyuan Museum of Fine Arts


水谷藝術 Waley Art


United States

Association for Asian Studies 
A 7-month Project Grant to support the preparation for and participation in a virtual roundtable on Visualizing and Envisioning Asia: Films, Documentaries and Advocacy in Southeast Asia and South Asia at the Association for Asian Studies meeting in Asia in fall 2021. 


Project SEED Virtual Academy 
fiscally sponsored by New York Foundation for the Arts 
A 6-week Project Grant to support a virtual academy, organized by Chatori Shimizu and JunYi Chow, to increase international awareness of East Asian instruments, musical forms, and composition techniques.